
BTS cybersecurity

A huge need of young talents in the cybersecurity domain

The « digital Luxembourg » initiative, launched by the Luxembourg government in 2014, aims to strengthen the country’s position in the field of ICT. The « Future Hub » label, awarded to three high schools in the country, symbolizes the realization of this idea in high schools with a predominant technical and innovative focus.

The Luxembourg Government has developed a cybersecurity strategy responding to the challenges of the digital transformation of today’s society.

« Cybersecurity and data protection are two themes of crucial importance for the economy of tomorrow – the data economy » (FEDIL)

To meet the growing demand in IT and computing-related sectors, Luxembourg requires highly skilled and qualified professionals in the field of information security.

The Lycée Guillaume Kroll aims to provide these professionals by offering a contemporary, state-of-the-art training course in cybersecurity.

Presentation of the BTS Cybersecurity

You’ll find, under this link, the longer version of the presentation of the BTS Cybersecurity.

BTS CS - long version

The BTS cybersecurity – brief overview


Advanced Technician‘s Diploma
(Brevet de technicien supérieur en Cybersécurité)


2 years – full-time – 120 ECTS

Occupation profile
  • CSIRT / CERT / SOC operator
    • security engineer
    • incident response analyst
    • log analyst
  • SECOPS / security engineering
    • network security operator
    • security administrator
  • Operational security officer
    • CISO assistant
    • Security operations desk
  • Junior pentester
Learning outcomes

Advanced technical and practice-based training, preparing students to implement and manage operational cybersecurity in a professional context according to the latest developments

BTS cybersecurity graduates will be able to:

  • easily blend into operational security teams,
  • implement and manage security at the system and network level,
  • assist the information security officer as a technical advisor,
  • possess the necessary knowledge to manage and analyse incidents,
  • adapt to new security challenges.
Entry requirements
  • Possess a secondary school-leaving certificate or equivalent
  • Pass the admission test and classify among the first 14 candidates
  • Acknowledge and sign the ethics and security disclaimer
  • Have a good understanding of English
Work placement

12-week internship within a company at the end of semester 4. The internship should allow an easy integration into working life.

  • 21 teaching hours per week
  • many autonomous working hours, partly in the presence of a teacher.
Reduced class size
  • 14 students per class
  • Personal contact with teachers
  • Mentoring
What’s next?
  • professional life
  • further higher education studies at undergraduate level ( BAC+3 )

Course curriculum

Cybersecurity is not solely about technology. It is also about governance and communication. Hence, the training program focuses on 5 different fields:

BTS Cybersecurity: 5 pillars & Course curriculum


The internship period starts on the first Monday of the Easter school holidays and ends on the Friday of the twelfth week following. The dates of the Easter school holidays can be found on the ministry’s website « Vacances et congés scolaires »


  • preparation for numerous internationally recognized certifications

  • numerous external instructors from real-life businesses
  • networking with local professionals
  • contact to members of the Luxembourg Cybersecurity Ecosystem
  • small classes with up to 14 students
  • modern and adapted pedagogy for ICT
  • practice-based training
  • close guidance and individual support
  • access to a dedicated classroom space outside of teaching hours


Registrations can be made from mid-March until the 28th of June (1st session) or 17th of September (second session) via the website

Admission exam

On-site attendance is required. Candidates may not take part in the examination remotely.

The admission examination consists of two parts.

  1. Practical part on the computer: questions on a technical document in English (Linux Introductory Online Course) and a test of basic knowledge of how to use a word processing software (MS Word or OpenOffice Writer of the candidate’s choice) and how to manipulate files using the Windows graphical interface. The questions will cover one or more sections of the online course. Access to the online course will be allowed during the examination. The aim is to check the candidate’s comprehension of English texts and his/her ability to learn by him/herself. We do not assume that the candidate must be an expert in the subject matter at this stage.
  2. Interview: Discussions to clarify the ambitions, motivations and pre-requisites (technical and language) of future candidates.

Dates of the entrance exams

The entrance examination will take place:

  • Practical part: Tuesday, the 17th of  September 2024 from 08:00 at the LGK. The interview schedule will be distributed during the practical part.
  • Interviews: the 17th of  September 2024 after the practical part, according to the schedule distributed the day before.
  • The results of the entrance examination will be communicated by e-mail.


  • The registration fee is 150 € per semester.
  • +/-150€ per year for course materials & online subscriptions.  Various course materials will be provided free of charge by the school and partners.
  • The fees must be paid within the week of the publication of the results of the admission exam (see above).

Bank transfer

The total amount of €300 is to be transferred to the account BCEE LU06 0019 1955 4654 7000
Beneficiary: Trésorerie de l’Etat-SEGS-LGK, 32 rue Henri Koch L-4354 Esch-sur-Alzette avec la reference: « BCYB24 S1 Name LASTNAME inscription + certification».

Additional expenses:

  • Each student must purchase a laptop on his own. Minimal computer requirements:
    • mobile computer. A tablet PC with a tactile display and a stylus is highly recommended,
    • i5, dual core, virtualization must be supported,
    • minimum 16GB RAM ,
    • at least 256GB HDD or better SSD. 512GB would be preferable. In case of an HDD an external USB 3 SSD is highly recommended,
    • an optional second power supply to leave at school.

Our partners

We are already proud to say that all major players (both private and public) in the Luxembourg marketplace have committed and will participate in this project. Discussions are currently being held with additional potential partners. The list will certainly be extended.

Become a partner!

In order to fit the needs of the market and keep the content of the training up to date, we are convinced that it is extremely important to involve external speakers in the training. This is why we need you!

Participate actively by becoming a partner. Contribute with your experience to the training:

  • suggest topics to be covered
  • lecture on your area of expertise
  • give talks on relevant topics
  • organize workshops
  • arrange visits on your premise
  • Provide online resources

Every specialist is warmly welcomed. The more partners that actively participate in the training, the more views and perspectives are offered to the students regarding the various topics.

tldr; FAQ – Enrolment

▶ Which diploma will I receive?

BTS Diploma in Cybersecurity. If you successfully complete the programme, you will receive 120 ECTS credits. ( Art.3 )

▶ Do I have to be present for the entrance exam?

The entrance exam takes place in person at the school in Esch/Alzette. It is not possible to apply via an online session.

▶ Am I eligible for the BTS programme? What are the requirements?

Art. 10 (1) ) Access to studies leading to the brevet de technicien supérieur is open to holders of :

  1. a Luxembourg secondary school leaving certificate or technical secondary school leaving certificate, or a Luxembourg secondary school leaving certificate or general secondary school leaving certificate;
  2. a Luxembourg diploma of access to higher education ;
  3. foreign diplomas or certificates recognised as equivalent by the Minister for National Education.
▶ I have a foreign (i.e. non-luxembourgish) diploma.

( Art. 10 (1) 3° ) If you hold a non-Luxembourgish BAC diploma, you must apply to the Luxembourg Ministry of Education, Children and Youth to have your diploma recognised. See here for more information. The LGK will not help you with the administrative procedures.

▶ I have a Luxembourg technician’s diploma but I did not pass the preparatory modules “modules préparatoires” in maths and English.

( Art. 10 (2) ) Holders of a Luxembourg technician’s diploma who have not passed all the preparatory modules may access the study programmes […] on condition that they have passed a preliminary access test to check your knowledge of the basics of English and Maths, prior to the admission procedure. The test takes place on the same day as the entrance exam.

▶ How much are the tuition fees?

150€ per semester ( Art. 1 RGD ) plus fees for online resources and certifications (100 – 250€ per year)

▶ Do I need a laptop?

Yes, see the requirements above.

▶ What language are the courses taught in?

It is important that you understand and speak English, as courses, course support, exercises, exams and communication will be in English.

▶ How many places are there on the course?

We accept 14 students.

▶ When will the courses start?

The courses start in the last week of September.

▶ Do I need a residence permit?

( Art. 10 (4) ) Third-country citizens must be authorised to reside in Luxembourg in accordance with the amended law of 29 August 2008 on the free movement of persons and immigration in order to enrol in study programmes. As a non-European citizen, you will need a residence permit. The LGK will not help you with the administrative procedures.

▶ Will the LGK help me find accommodation?

No. Accommodation is NOT provided. We cannot help with accommodation.

Contact us

You are interested in participating to the projet? You want to give us a feedback? You want to have more information?
Do not hesitate to contact us by using the contact form below.

Terms and conditions of admission

Flyer LGK - BTS Cybersecurity - FR (PDF)

Mr. Marc Ludwig
